23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes

June 2024 · 6 minute read

If you know anything about Zayn Malik, you know that he is a very intellectual person. He is known for his creativity and saying the most amazing things. I mean, he did want to be an English teacher growing up! Today we are celebrating his 23rd birthday, so what’s a better way than celebrating his words too? Here are 23 of Zayn’s best quotes!

23. His most famous Twitter bio.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 27

“Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life :) x”

22. On never feeling more in control in his life.

“It is crazy and wild and a bit mad, but at the same time I’ve never felt more in control in my life.”

21. On being incredibility disciplined.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 22

“I’m incredibility disciplined. I realized I can push myself through situations I might not necessarily want to do, but can overcome by being in the moment. No matter what, I can smile and do whatever I got to do.”

20. On wanting what you can’t have.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 19

“If people can’t have something, they want it.”

19. On being a normal person who makes mistakes.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 8

“I’m just a normal person as well as following my religion, and doing all the normal things that everybody else does. I love music and I get tattoos and I make mistakes, and I’ve had to go through relationships and break up relationships. I feel proud that people actually look to me and can see themselves in that.”

18. On being interested in art more than football.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 18

“I wasn’t really interested in things that all the kids were interested in they were like interested in football, and I was more creative.”

17. On how turning the page is the best feeling in the world.
23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 13

“There comes a day when you realise turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realise there’s so much more to the book than the page u were stuck on :) x.”

16. On taking time to love yourself.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 14

“And remember nobody’s feelings are more important than your own :/ so take time to love yourself.”

15. On his graffiti room.

“This is like my graffiti room, I just decided that I want to like spray paint the walls. It’s cool man cos like nobody can tell me I can’t. Like imagine if I want to do it to my house at home, and my mom would be like ‘No way, you’re not spray painting on my walls, I don’t think so’, got my house, I’m like course I’m spray painting the wall.”

14. On how he loved that he brought diversity, but he’s just being himself.

“I always felt good that I was, like, first of my kind in what I was doing. I enjoyed that I brought the diversity. But I would never be trying to influence anything or try to stamp myself as a religious statement or portrayal of anything. I am me. I’m just doing me.”

13. On people buying into his image, and not paying attention to who he really is.

“I’m actually quite easy, a happy-go-lucky sort of guy, but there was a lot of situations that were almost created to make me be portrayed as the mysterious or quiet one. I guess that’s just something that people buy into, and it helps them sell things. It’s a product that’s already designed, and it sells.”

12. On being able to do what he wants – to an extent.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 10

“It’s a nice feeling to come out of a place where you are being told what to do and to behave a certain way, just because of certain expectations or certain things that people wanna see. It’s just all my perspective and that’s fully liberating.”

11.  His current Twitter bio.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 9

“Fuck whoever tells you no! Do you, be proud and love lots ! :)”

10. Expressing his love for Liam Payne.

“Bye Liam, I love you too. I love you forever.”

9.  His favorite word from 2010 to 2012.

“Vas happenin?”

8. On how he just wanted someone to tell him that he could sing.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 1

“What I wanted from my audition was a yes. I just wanted somebody to tell me that I could sing.”

7. On just wanting to make music and not caring about the money anymore.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 7

“A big part of why I left the band is I made the realization that it wasn’t actually about [being the biggest] anymore. It wasn’t about the amount of ticket sales that I get. It was more about the people that I reach. I want to reach them in the right way, and I want them to believe what I’m saying. I’ve done enough in terms of financial backing for me to live comfortably. I just want to make music now. If people want to listen to that, then I’m happy. If they don’t want to listen to it, then don’t fucking listen to it. I’m cool with that too. I’ve got enough. I don’t need you to buy it on a mass scale for me to feel satisfied.”

6. On never sacrificing who you are for anyone.

“Life is funny ,things change, people change,but you will always be you, so stay true to yourself and never sacrifice who you are for anyone.”

 5. When One Direction came in 3rd place on the X Factor.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 4

“We are definitely going to stay together, this isn’t the last of One Direction.”

4. On when his dream started.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 5

“It’d be like, 2, 3 in the morning and I’d be singing full power at the top of my voice. My sister would be banging on the wall, going ‘shut up! You can’t even sing! Go to sleep!’ That was kind of, I guess, where the dream started.”

3. On not caring what people say about him unless it upsets his family.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 2

“You can say whatever you want about me; I’m not really bothered. But when it starts to upset people I care about or I hear about it from my mum, then that’s a problem. Nasty things (were said) like I’m a terrorist, and this and that. How can you justify that? How can you call me that and get away with it?”

2. On staying in One Direction because of the fans.

“I did try to do something that I wasn’t happy doing for a while for the sake of, maybe, other people’s happiness, and that was mainly the fans, and, and I only ever tried to do it for the fans. And it was only every for them, and basically I’m only upset because I feel like I may have let them down in some sort of way and that’s the main thing that I don’t want to happen. It’s not that I’ve turned my back on them or anything, it’s just that I can’t do that anymore. It’s not real to me.”

1. On performing at Madison Square Garden in 2012.23 of Zayn Malik's Best Quotes 3

“I can’t believe I’m at MSG. I’m just a little boy from Bradford, and now I’m smashing it!”

Happy 23rd Birthday Zayn!
