Who is Ari Raptis? The Bachelor alum Kelley Flanagan goes Instagram-official with new beau

July 2024 · 5 minute read

The Bachelor alum Kelley Flanagan has found a new partner. She was earlier in an on-again-off-again relationship with Peter Weber, but the duo broke up in May 2023. The attorney recently took to social media as she posed with her now-boyfriend Ari Raptis, an entrepreneur, CEO, and founder at Talaria Transporation and Melly Home Delivery.

Fans first became familiar with Flanagan in 2020 when she appeared in The Bachelor Season 24 starring Peter Weber.

The Bachelor alum Kelley Flanagan’s new boyfriend was featured in Marijuana Venture’s 40 Under 40 list

Ari Raptis, The Bachelor alum Kelly Flanagan’s new boyfriend, is a CEO and entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is a graduate of Saint Joseph’s University’s Erivan K. Haub School of Business where he earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Studies, Accounting, and Finance.

While he is well-known for his current companies, he launched his first business when he opened The Grog Grill and West Gate Pub in 2011. Two years later, he opened Park Investments, followed by opening Melly Home Delivery in 2019.

The Bachelor celebrity’s new beau launched Talaria Transporation in 2017, which is a privately held company that specializes in securing logistics. According to Marijuana Venture, the company was founded to serve Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana industry. While in conversation with the publication in 2020, the founder revealed that they generate $11 million in annual revenue and transport 65% of the state’s medical cannabis.

He added:

"We are the ones behind the scenes making sure their shelves are stocked for their patient communities."
Ari Raptis appeared on the cover of Marijuana Venture (Image via LinkedIn@Ari Raptis)

For the success of his company, Ari was named one of the Top 40 Under 40 Rising Stars in the Cannabis Industry.

While it is unclear when Kelley and Ari started dating, a source told People Magazine that they met at a friend’s wedding in Mykonos, Greece, last summer and rekindled recently.

They added:

"They’ve been together for a couple of months now. He’s also Greek and her Greek mother is thrilled to keep the Greek tradition going."

The Bachelor alum’s mother took to Kelley’s social media post to show her support and stated that the guy of her dreams for her daughter is “Greek Greek Greek.” She praised Ari and stated that he’s a dreamboat and explained that that’s her generation’s way of describing a “great catch.” Other cast members of the show also showed their support, including Vanessa Grimaldi, Kendall Long, and more.

When did Kelley’s relationship with Peter Weber end?

While Peter and Kelley met while on The Bachelor, they didn’t start dating until after the show. During the show, he was engaged to Hannah Ann Slush, but left her for Madison Prewett, which also didn’t last very long.

Finally, the two announced their relationship in 2020 and have broken up several times since then. They first broke up around New Year’s eve of the same year but patched things up in the middle before separating again around Valentine's Day in 2021.

They got back together again in October 2022 and attended a romantic cruise the following month. However, the two broke up in May 2023, after which The Bachelor alum started dating Ari Raptis.

The ABC show returned with Season 27 this year, which saw Zach Shallcross as the main cast member.

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