Colombian journalist Tanya Charry is expecting her first child with her husband, Sebastián Jiménez.
Charry took to Instagram on September 23 to share her People En Espaol digital cover, in which she announced the happy news while showing off her growing baby bump. She also wrote a lengthy caption announcing the pregnancy. According to the auto-translation, she wrote:
"How much I dreamed to be able to give this news..! How much I dreamed to be able to touch my belly and feel that there was someone growing inside me..! Today it's a reality and I share it with great joy and am convinced that this miracle is a gift from God. and that from day one it goes hand in hand with him...!"Charry further thanked God, along with her husband Sebastián and his daughter, Zoe.
All you need to know about Tanya Charry's husband and marriage
Sebastián Jiménez is a British film and television producer who is known for his work on several projects like Run Coyote Run, Betty en NY, Model Latina, Now and Then, among others.
Tanya Charry and Jimenez first crossed each other's paths in 2019 when the latter approached the famed journalist via a direct message on Instagram. He expressed his desire to meet Charry, but his message was initially lost among the others in her chat box.
The duo then met via a mutual friend who had introduced them and set them on a blind date at Miami's Caviar Russe restaurant. The meeting went well, and they continued to see each other for several months.
Soon after, Sebastián introduced Tanya to his 10-year-old daughter, Zoe. The former became a widower in 2018 and has since been a single father.
Sebastián, Zoe, and Tanya Charry spent several months in lockdown together, which deepened their bond. In July 2020, Jiménez popped the big question to Tanya in front of the national television while she was finishing her segment. The duo got engaged that day.
On August 7, 2021, the pair tied the knot at St. High Church in Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida in a private family affair.
As for her pregnancy, Tanya Charry revealed to Argentine actor Julián Gil on her Univision show in July 2022 that she had frozen her eggs years ago and began the in vitro fertilization process in February of this year.
"It was a treatment that we did in Los Angeles."While appearing on Wednesday's episode of El Gordo y la Flaca, the 47-year-old revealed her pregnancy to show hosts Lili Estefan and Raúl de Molina (via El Diario). She said,
"It's an announcement that I've always wanted to give in life, I'm expecting a baby It has been a process of years, I had always wanted to be a mother, I even tried to adopt a baby, it was difficult because I was single… I signed up to be a 'foster mom' and they never called me. The things in life… I think this was the perfect time where I have a wonderful husband, I have an incredible family that I love with my life."Tanya Charry is already 16 weeks pregnant. The Colombian journalist is one of the leading Latino entertainment reporters who began her television career on Escándalo TV in 2001.
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