When they know the camera crew is coming they make a healthy meal. Dottie had the fish, salad and green beans. Then she drank a coke and ate a bag of chips. You KNOW when the cameras are not there she is not eating baked fish!
According to Dr Now she was eating 30,000 calories a day to be 550 pounds and to gain 100 pounds more in a year! She needed the nutrition lessons at the beginning she truly was clueless as was her husband. I hope the baby doesn't turn out obese. The sister was right.
They gave her a diet to follow - no education required!!! The salad dressing may have been fat free, I think I saw the "fat free" design through the pixilation, BUT STILL! Also, I was yelling at my screen (and my husband who was busy on his phone) when she popped open that coke. I was yelling "cutting out soda is the easiest thing to do....quick hun, watch me NOT drink a coke...you see that, I'm not drinking a coke! See how easy that was?"
I kind of thought the sister was going to come in and say something like, "here, let me take care of the kids and you go get ready for your surgery." Instead she seemed to imply that the surgery would solve any of her problems (which she's right).
Clearly Dottie is devoted to her kids, and takes good care of her disabled son, but my god she played the martyr card early and often! "I don't have time to diet, I have to take care of my kids" "I'm so stressed, I have to eat three pizzas and an entire chocolate cake" "I can't talk to you now, I have to feed my baby. My baby is hungry. Go away, my child is inches from starvation and must be fed! How can you be so heartless?" There was a little dash of Penny there, loving the attention. ("oh dear, she's so brave. Her oldest is disabled, you know. She's such an attentive mother!"). Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt that she loves her children and does her best for them, but she's in a pattern that was established years ago. She resents her pretty sister and sadly, she sabotages her own life as a result. I'm glad she got the surgery and I hope it helps her, but she needs therapy, and she needs to work with a nutritionist. Switch that soda for water and learn to make your own vinaigrette, which tastes better than any bottled dressing and is at least not terrible for you.
She's really doing God's work by taking care of her son, but she just sops that attention/sympathy from others up with a biscuit, doesn't she? GOOD LORD! I can't even imagine what her day-to-day life must be like and I too held my healthy boys a little closer today, but she totally reminds me of my sister who will go out of her way to throw a kick-ass party with all kinds of food, but by the time the party starts, she acts like a total bitch and its a total shit show (for the next three days) because of how hard she had to work. I hate people like that. Do it if you want to do it, but if it's too much for you, hire someone to do it and quit your bitching.
Why did she do all the driving? She always what at the wheel, it was kind of strange especially the way she would have to shove herself into the car, which they showed at least 10 times.
It was our speculation that hubby had a DUI!
Oh....there are all kind of ways people can contort their bodies to have sex. That sounds bad, I know. But I've seen pictures. :)
I could not believe when Dottie's husband dumped a whole bag of cheese into a salad. A whole bag of cheese! You know that shoving a whole mountain of cheese with a lettuce foundation into your face is terrible for you. I don't care how ignorant you claim to be, you know that! And when Dottie warbled (re pizza) "Well, my kid's gotta eat." Uh, your kid is two, if he's chowing down on whatever pizza shrapnel escapes your maw, he's not eating, really. It's not for him.
When Dottie was tucking into the brownie, the voice over said, "My sister doesn't know what I'm dealing with. Food helps me cope with that." I have heard a lot of messed up ideology from this show, but this really made me see red. Food isn't support. You don't ultimately feel better. Better isn't full! What about things like reaching out in the disabled community? Research? Communicating with the doctors/finding a specialist, even just to ask questions. You're not coping, lady. No.
Maybe he was thinking that cheese is low carb, so it's ok? And its a salad...
Also, I will say that for us fat people who get bariatric surgery, dealing with your feelings without eating is the hardest part. I know I have tried in the past year to "eat my problems" and it doesn't even feel good or soothing even for a second. Food doesn't even taste the same, and if you try to binge, you might as well do it in the bathroom so you can immediately throw up.
One last thing as some mentioned the fact that we didn't see most of her post-surgery journey...did you notice on S1 they never made any of the people play the "lose X number of pounds and you will be approved for surgery" game? It was specifically mentioned in Melissa's journey because she said that the last bariatric surgeon told her she had to lose 100 pounds before he would help her (I think she was like 700, wasn't she?), but Dr Now would do it, uh, now. My bariatric surgeon also didn't play that game or any games for that matter once my insurance was approved--any hoops I had to jump through were for insurance requirements (like a psych screening). The surgeons at the Cleveland clinic wanted me to take this $400 nutrition class and get all these pre-op tests before even talking about scheduling, so I'm like "um no thanks, I'll go with the guy who will get it done." And here I am 1 1/2 years later and "normal" on the BMI table.