Netlix's FUBAR is a gripping and intense series that has captivated audiences with its thrilling storyline and stellar performances. As viewers dive into the show's narrative, many are bound to wonder about the real-life locations where the series was filmed. This Nick Santora-Phil Abraham project explores Toronto, Canada and Antwerp, Belgium, which serves as the backdrop for this action comedy.
Arnold Schwarzenegger makes his debut on Netflix as Luke Brunner, a retired CIA agent, who is brought back into service to rescue an operative who turns out to be his daughter Emma, played by Monica Barbaro (Top Gun: Maverick). According to Netflix, the official synopsis for the film reads:
"When a father and daughter discover they both secretly work for the CIA, an already dicey undercover mission turns into a dysfunctional family affair."The series was announced in 2020, but Schwarzenegger's first-ever television appearance began filming in April 2022. Ever since then, news about the film's progress has been pouring in from the vibrant streets of Antwerp to the bustling cityscape of Toronto.
Take a look at the official trailer to see what's in store for fans of action and comedy.
FUBAR: Filming locations and more
The filming for FUBAR or "F****d Up Beyond All Recognition" kicked off in April 2022 in Belgium and wrapped by the end of September. The cinematographer, Craig Wrobleski, created a visually appealing narrative that offers a glimpse into the world of Emma and Luke.
Antwerp, Belgium
The FUBAR production team chose Antwerp, Belgium, as one of the primary filming locations owing to its distinctive atmosphere. Known for its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage, Antwerp offers a unique backdrop for the series.
The city's historic streets, charming neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks can be spotted throughout the show, adding an authentic touch to the story. According to the locations revealed so far, the most popular car chase sequences were shot in Lambermontplaats, as multiple cars were fitted with front and back cameras. Brabo Fountain and Lange Nieuwstraat also hosted car chase sequences and street fight scenes.
However, fans were disappointed to find Schwarzenegger's stuntman at the sets while the star worked on his recordings at a Toronto-based studio.
Toronto, Canada
While Antwerp served as a crucial filming location for FUBAR, the production also extensively utilized the vibrant city of Toronto, Canada. Known for its diverse urban landscapes, Toronto offered a contrasting yet complementary backdrop for the series.
Toronto's iconic skyline and modern architecture feature prominently with several scenes taking place in the city's downtown core. The skyline of the city offers a rich tapestry for the action sequences, featuring the T-800 Terminator himself, while the multicultural fabric of the city adds depth and character to the series.
As seen from the images shared by Toronto Filming, Schwarzenegger was spotted along Victoria Street where the structures of the film's set were located.
Ontario served as the second location in Canada for the filming crew as they made use of multiple locales, including a house in Guelph and a warehouse in Brockley Drive, East Hamilton.
As viewers continue to indulge in the comic escapades of FUBAR, it is worth appreciating the efforts of the production team in selecting and utilizing these filming locations. Check out the undercover life on May 25, 2023, at 3:00 a.m. (ET) streaming exclusively on Netflix.
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