When it comes to dealing the final blow to Vampires in Redfall, you can hardly go wrong with a good Wooden Stake to the heart. It’s one of the more traditional ways of dealing with the nightwalkers in any culture. In Arkane Studios’ latest title, you will get to add it to your inventory as you start to clear out neighborhoods of vampires and cultists.
However, the Wooden Stake is not something you will be able to get your hands on early in the game. There has also been a fair bit of confusion amongst players as to how they can go about equipping it and using it when they finally do get to obtain it.
Unlocking the Wooden Stake in Redfall
Wooden Stakes will be unlocked and ready to be equipped once you have been able to successfully kill your first Vampire in Redfall.
Once you have reached the Dead in the Water mission, you will gain an objective to “Turn on the Firestation Power” which will task you to make your way to the basement and kill a vampire.
To do so, you will need to use the firefighter pole to make your way down and then take a left and approach the final room there. You will notice that there is a shotgun present there that has a Wooden Stake attached to it.
You will need to pick it up and then go further along the basement to encounter the vampire whose health bar you will need to take down to zero and then strike the killing blow.
Once its health reaches zero, you will get a prompt to use the Wooden Stake to kill it. By interacting with the button, a short animation will occur which will then proceed to make your character deal the final blow to the enemy.
Once the Wooden Stake is unlocked in Redfall, you can get your hands on more of them as you make your way through the narrative and explore the open world.
Equipping and using Wooden Stakes in Redfall
To be able to equip Wooden Stakes on your weapons, you will need to open the game’s menu and then make your way into the loadout section. There, you will be required to pick the weapon you want to put your stake on, and under the customization section, you will get to select the two options of “Skin” and “Stake.”
However, remember that not all weapons support a stake. Hence, you can only put it on the ones that will allow it. Hence, pick the weapon of choice, then pick the “Stake” option, and select the Wooden Stake you want to put on it.
Once a stake is equipped, you can use the button prompts to deal the fishing blows with it to vampires.
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